Clarifying Values

Values are basic fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. It connects a person to a goal

– Values may direct you to grow into a person of higher character with practice and repetition-

Studies on abstract value systems and moral concepts have detected how individual value preferences affect a specific regional brain response; you could say that the brain handles decisions depending on the person’s superordinate moral ideas. A person with a predominant altruist value system uses a “balance and weighing” approach to eliminate bias and activates brain regions of the parietal and frontal cortex. Conversely, individuals with mainly individualistic value preferences apply a “fight-and-flight” strategy by recruiting the left amygdala. Studies show that persons with different value preferences use different neural strategies when facing a decision.

“Tell me what you pay attention to and I tell you who you are” Jose Ortega y Gasset

From our beliefs we derive our values, that is why is important when when clients choose therapeutic goals that are impossible to achieve, for example, a client might have the goal of developing intimate relationships without having to be vulnerable to interpersonal rejection. The latter value generally precludes achieving the former. Values are synonymous with behaviors, how a person behaves it shows his or her values a person for example a person who claims to value gender equality but does not provide equal pay across genders proves he or she doesn’t value this type of equality or an individual valuing power might be prone to experience most economic games as deceptive situations compared to people valuing benevolence these differences are use to predict how people with different values experience identical situations. people are consciously or unconsciously seeking out situations which fit their values

Beliefs are assumptions and convictions we hold true; some work to your advantage, some hold you back.

 Goals are Ok if there is no cognitive dissonanceAttitudes are emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular task, object, or person. Behaviors are incorporated attitudes, beliefs, and values

Value system arise from an evolutionary theory that intelligence and creativity evolved in sympathy with the ‘higher’ values of hedonism, stimulation, self-direction and universalism. confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance

Acceptance, Awareness, Commitment, Consistency, Contentment, Optimism, Spirituality, Tolerance, Hope, Curiosity, Thankfulness, Dignity are some values worth thinking about it.